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Welcome to The Omega Higher Heights Foundation
Image by United Nations COVID-19 Respons

The Omega Foundation Story


The Omega ‘Higher Heights’ Foundation has been birthed in the legacy of the Empress of Ethiopia, Etege Menen and her many contributions to humanity throughout her reign. Legacies are intended to ‘live on’ with the continuation of the work begun, culminating in real tangible ‘change’ and overall success in whatever areas of service one has embarked upon. In this current generation and during this immediate era of existence, chivalry is neither forgotten nor obsolete. With this active vision having been established, we ‘pick up the torch’ from the point at which our ancestors have laid it down. The 5 R'S ...‘The Rebirth, Rebuilding, Restoration, Restructuring and Rejuvenation of a people, through the implementation of practical youth-oriented initiatives, propelling them to Higher Heights,’’is the mission statement of our ‘Menenyte Fun Club’ catering to children ages 3-16.

Today’s generation, tomorrow’s leaders, as it was in the 1930’s, so it will continue. Our focus is not only on general emotional and spiritual aid to the deprived, but also to the physical, social, intellectual and we stress on ‘individual’ development of youth (our main target group), as every societal issue’s roots lay in each individual’s overall culturing, nurturing and youth-based opportunities. The organisation represents global youth unification and development through Creative Arts, Entertainment and Music and the practical implementation of effective creative initiatives.

Our Mission is simple; The Aim - ‘to make available skill-oriented training and education, both self -education/ improvement as well as intellectual/academic education.’ We seek to empower through the development of natural talent namely singing, dancing, acting, theatre arts, music production (which includes instrument-playing, musical composition, arrangement/ rhythm-building, mixing, mastering), art/craft, culinary arts and a few more areas.

Part of Our Slogan highlights the Foundation’s aim …across the board we represent “YOUTH LIBERATION,’’ providing general tangible resources to the deprived, resources such as counseling/ guidance services, instruments, materials, financial aid, skill development/ training, general education and opportunities for advancement through key affiliations and most importantly, committed, loyal, dedicated and nurturing representation, in addition to long term coaching.

One Life! ... One Soul! ... One Mind! ... One Spirit! ... One Body! ... One Being at a time, we assist in the realisation of moving to Higher Plains, achieving Higher Heights in All Life Areas which is the ultimate, perfect destiny of man/ wombman kind. We represent the voice of the elderly, disabled, poor, helpless , hopeless and imprisoned, man/ wombman/ child through the support our Holistic Life Community & School Outreach Programme. We aim to continue honouring the commission ‘’Infants be cared for, sick be nourished, aged be protected, hungry be fed’’.

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